You can create an email forwwader through your cPanel control panel which is where you manage your hosting account. This can be used to send a copy of all mail from an email address to another to save you having to check both accounts separately.
The first step is to log into your cPanel account. If you are unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article - '
How to log into cPanel'.
Once you have successfully logged in, scroll down to the '
Email' section as per the below. Select the top middle option shown as '
In the forwarder section, choose the left '
Add Forwarder' option.
To add a new forwarder, complete the following:
- Address to forward: the first part of the email address that you would like to forward. For example if you wanted to forward all info@, type 'info' here. At this stage you can't set up multiple email addresses to forward. Each email address needs to be forwarded separately.
- Domain: the domain of the email address (you would usually have just one domain shown here unless your account has multiple domains).
- Forward to Email Address: the receiving address for the emails that are being forwarded on.
You should find that the required options have now been entered. Complete the process by choosing the '
Add Forwarder' button at the bottom:
The process will now confirm the forwarder that you have now created.
If you were to go back to your '
Forwarders' section, you can now see that the new forwarder record exists.

The record provides some options that you may find useful in the future if you were to either experience any problems or you wish to delete the record.
Creating an email forwarder is now complete.